It has been awhile since my last writing. My computer went ka-ploot for a little while. Thanks to the 'ole computer technician hubby, I am back in business.
My trip back home for my reunion has had a rather large impact on me. It's amazing that after graduating I tried to get as far away from home as I could. This trek led me to Arizona, Texas, New York City, and back to Texas. When visiting Oklahoma, I found a renewed love for my hometown. I took my husband and children to the house where I grew up. I was so fond of that house and its surroundings. When I drove upon the house and saw it for the first time in 19 years, a flood of emotion came over that I cannot explain and will never be able to.
My trip back home for my reunion has had a rather large impact on me. It's amazing that after graduating I tried to get as far away from home as I could. This trek led me to Arizona, Texas, New York City, and back to Texas. When visiting Oklahoma, I found a renewed love for my hometown. I took my husband and children to the house where I grew up. I was so fond of that house and its surroundings. When I drove upon the house and saw it for the first time in 19 years, a flood of emotion came over that I cannot explain and will never be able to.
Being back in El Paso, I can't help but continue to think of that house and the feelings that overcame me. The only way I knew to express myself was through art. I picked up a paintbrush and had an extra canvas laying around. I began to paint the house where I grew up.
I completed the painting. Now, that painting has led to several more with the same house concept and am thinking now that I must begin the series and call it "House & Home".
The paintings are quite whimsical and abstract with no realism to them. Each painting contains poetry or phrases that I have written. Two are already on exhibit at Kristoph's and several more will be on exhibit soon. Here are a couple of images.
I will be showing at Ruli's International Cafe beginning Sept. 20th. I am also in the process of participating in an art expo that will take place in October. More details to follow! You will be able to find the House & Home at any of these exhibits.